
"Quality of Tears" / 『涙の質』

¥1,100 税込



撮影:SNOW Contemporary
発行:SNOW Contemporary

*展覧会展示風景は、カタログに掲載されておりません。/ The exhibition view is not posted in this catalogue.

■河口龍夫 / アーティストステートメント 「『涙』の『質』をめぐって」より抜粋
ところで、2023年のこの時点でSNOW Contemporaryでの個展作品として<涙の質>をまとめて発表しようと思った動機は、と言うより、この作品を私が作らなければならないと思った根本的なモティベーションは、近年立て続けに起こっている、阪神淡路大地震、東日本大地震、地球温暖化問題等の自然災害や世界中に襲い掛かったコロナウイルスによる死亡と感染の恐怖、歴史が逆転したかのようなウクライナでの侵略戦争による戦死者の続出、これらの弊害によってどれだけ多くの人々が死亡し、多くの人が悲嘆の涙を流していることか。まるで「涙の時代」が再び到来したかのようだ。この不条理な現実に、流す涙を見つめ、涙を対象化し、涙を精神的にも崇高なものとして芸術に昇華し、止揚しななければならない。との切迫したオブセッション(強迫観念)によるのではなかろうか。


31 pages, 21 x 14.8 cm, English & Japanese
35 Works by Tatsuo Kawaguchi from “Quality of Tears” series
Essays by Tatsuo Kawaguchi and Masanori Ichikawa
Translated by Kana Kawanishi
Photo by SNOW Contemporary
Edited by Kenji Kubota
Designed by Keiko Mineishi
Published by SNOW Contemporary

■ Artist Statement - Excerpt from "On 'The Nature' of 'Tears'"

By the way, my motivation for presenting “The Nature of Tears” as a solo exhibition at SNOW Contemporary at this point in 2023, or rather, the fundamental motivation that compelled me to create the works, was the recent series of natural disasters such as the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the global warming issue, the fear of death and infection from the coronavirus that struck all over the world, and the many deaths from the war in Ukraine, where history seems to have reversed itself. How many people have died and shed tears of grief due to these negative effects? It seems as though the “era of tears” has arrived again. In this absurd reality, we must look at the tears we shed, objectify them, and purify them into art as something spiritually sublime. I think it may be due to the urgent obsession to stop all this.
I sometimes think of the tears falling from my eyes as seeds. This may be because the shape of a large tear reminds me of the shape of a seed. Not only that, but although tears do not germinate like seeds, they can be tears of mourning, tears of grief, tears of reunion or parting, and tears of joy, and tears would stimulate the germination of various other emotions. Here, tears have become one of the motifs of my art, a companion in the adventure of the unknown spirit.
A single tear may be equivalent to a drop of the heart.
(January 23rd, 2023)

*for more information

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¥1,100 税込
